Where I am now...

And this is how I got there

So, remember this pic from the other day?  Well, I took the fabric on the left, fused it, and then drew petals on the back.  When I cut them out, they were a bit bigger then they needed to be (which you can observe for yourself in the last pic in this post!), so I ended up making slimmer versions of the same petals.

 And then I fused this piece of cloth in the same way and free-hand cut petals that were like elongated ellipsis(es... 's... s'.... zzzzz.....)

And then, remember that piece of fabric I painted with Crayola gel paints?

I ended up cutting that into petals too.

 And I ended up with this:


I worked on the arrangement, until I came up with the first pic that began this post. 

And now the quilting begins... gummy needles, here I come!



Kit Lang


  1. Wow! I really like the way you used the fabrics to make the petals with the gradated colors! Nice!

  2. Lovely ! I just love how you mix and match so different fabrics. Now it's quilting time? Have fun with it!

  3. Lovely Kit! Can;t wait to see it quilted!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love seeing the progress posts - interested to see what quilting pattern/stitch you will use with this one:)

    (couldn't spell in the last comment;))


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