Friday Flickr Faves - Future Tense

My creation
1. Lighthouse, 2. A marker - I was here, 3. Through the back of the wardrobe

Today's Friday Flickr Faves is an unusual one, in that they're all my own photos, rather than someone else's.
I am always pensive this time of year, slightly depressed, considering my successes and failures on this trip around the sun, planning for the next; but this year is different.  I have been considering future tense in the long term, rather than the short, and have come to the realization, that right here, right now, is where I choose.

Oddly enough, these pictures I took this past summer have led me to the answer.

My explanation, such as it is, follows:

1.  The Lighthouse

This light house it is at the end of the spit where I live.  The lighthouse looks old and abandonded, finished in its life's purpose, but look closely, and you'll see the solar panel that gives it life anew.  I have always loved the lighthouse for that reason.

But, too, I love that lighthouse, because when I stand underneath it, gazing at and becoming lost in the seemingly endless water ahead the wind ruffling my hair, and the scents rolling in with the waves beckoning me to a life of adventure; when I begin to move again, I always feel as if  I'm taking the first step in a great journey, even if it isn't by sailing off to the edge of the world.

But again, perhaps I am.

2.  I Was Here

At the foot of the lighthouse, there are piles of broken rock and granite, twists of rusted industrial wire coiled in fantastic shapes, brickwork whose edges are worn smooth by the passage of water and time. Someone had taken part of this detritus and made... what?

I wondered if its maker had meant it as art, or a marker - a message to the world. "Once, I was here."  Or was s/he simply bored while others in his or her party carried on pursuits they were uninterested in, forming this with as much reflection as someone else might skip stones?

I clambered down the preacrious edge of the spit to acknowledge and preserve  whatever it was intended to be in a photograph. And when I saw the way the photograph had turned out, I wondered about many things.  Including art, its makers and the messages - intended and not - and how the very act of observation assigns meaning and importance.

3.  In the Back of the Wardrobe

At the bottom of the spit, underneath the lighthouse, I had bent over to look at an interestingly raddled piece of paper, to see whether I could still read what was written there, and as I was coming up, I looked through this tunnel.

In my late 40's, my mid-life crisis has manifested itself in a recovery of child-like wonder and I am consequently given (and give in to) flights of imagination. I clambered down the rocks (against the protests of my Beloved Spouse) to capture this image,  I imagined it as portal to another place or being, a first step on a quest.

Sadly, my adult body, though far, far smaller than my imagaination, was large enough to prevent me from travelling that particular journey; so I left the portal for its intended traveller, and hoped for another path.


And so I am here, a fork before me, a new year about to begin, standing on the cusp.  I am both the princess and the prince in this story, but I still am not quite sure which door to pick.  The Lady, or the Tiger?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the link to a lovely tale - I've been thinking about it all day since I read it. When you get to a crossroads or a fork in the path, sometimes old things have to go to make room for the new things. But I like to think I can grow to encompass both but not to be hard on myself if I don't manage perfection straight away:-)
    Or maybe there is a third door full of possibilities? Options that aren't maybe visible yet?


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